Project Description

Arkansas Projects

Our work in Arkansas includes tracts in Carroll, Miller, and Lafayette Counties. Each of these properties are beautiful, relatively natural tracts or important farmland. The property in Carroll County contains oak-hickory forest, pine-oak forest, open/early successional areas, hardwood woodland, ponds, streams, and a creek. This property also contains numerous limestone outcrops or limestone bluffs as well as several streams, some emerging from springs. The property in Miller and Lafayette Counties was previously used for cattle grazing. It contains over 1.3 miles of frontage along the Red River, as well as floodplain hardwood forests, hardwood forests, open pastureland for grazing, and an oxbow lake that was stocked with bass and catfish. The management goals for these tracts include maintaining the natural habitat and its assets through appropriate management and stewardship to protect and conserve its conservation values. During the fieldwork conducted on these Arkansas properties, a diverse variety of bird species were observed including blue jays, American crows, woodpeckers, great egrets, great blue herons, killdeer, belted kingfishers, and ospreys. Various mammals were also observed, including eastern gray squirrels and white-tailed deer, along with signs of raccoons.

*Note: All photos were taken by MTM Environmental, LLC staff.