Terrestrial Services
MTM has experience in completing full-spectrum habitat assessments and species-specific surveys for numerous species, including state and federally endangered and threatened species. Our staff has documented a number of sensitive species via targeted surveys as well as incidental detections. Terrestrial services we provide include:
- Wildlife Surveys
- Threatened and Endangered Species Surveys
- Presence/Absence Surveys
- Avian Surveys
- Auditory/Visual Point Counts
- Nest Monitoring and Surveys
- Raptor Nest Surveys
- Bioacoustic Surveys for Birds, Terrestrial Wildlife, and Bats
- eDNA Sampling for Terrestrial Species
- Invertebrate Surveys
- Herpetological (Reptile and Amphibian) Surveys
- Pollinator Surveys
- Population Estimates/Counts
- Botanical Surveys/Inventories
- Random Meander and Target Search Surveys
- Desktop Review to Identify Potential Habitat for Rare Species
- Habitat Assessments/Surveys for State, Federal, and Rare Plant/Animal Species
- Biological Assessments
- Specimen Collection and Identification
- Nuisance Animal Control/Relocation/Exclusion (services vary by state)
- Bat House Installation and Monitoring (services vary by state) Please click here for bat house installation information
- Impact Assessments
- Post-impact Monitoring
What are Wildlife Surveys?
Wildlife Surveys include a more intensive look at the wildlife species that occur on a property or within a body of water. This is conducted using traditional methods, such as avian point counts, as well as advanced technology that can capture the presence of species visually, through audio, or through environmental DNA (eDNA) sampling.
What is eDNA Sampling?
Environmental DNA (“eDNA”) is genetic material shed by organisms in various ways including skin, feces, blood, spermatozoa, and eggs. These DNA fragments attach to non-living components in air, water, or sediments in the habitat of the target species/taxonomic group, which can then be sampled and analyzed via polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis to detect whether the target species (or a variety of animal groups) is present or absent.
How is this beneficial?
Wildlife Surveys better document the existing species located on the property, including high priority, threatened, or endangered species, supporting the conservation purpose of the property. For example, if elusive species are caught on camera or audio recorder, this information may be used to further document and defend the existing conservation values of a conservation easement property. These reports can also serve as a tool for landowners to learn more about their property.
What is included in a Wildlife Survey?
Each project would be catered to the project, the property, and the landowner’s goals. When determining what methods should be utilized, a number of factors are involved including the project goals, timeline, and budget.
The report would include a significant amount of fieldwork using some or all of the following techniques.
- Wildlife Camera Monitoring
- Ultrasonic Bat Recorders
- Acoustic Wildlife Recorders for Birds and other Terrestrial species
- Avian Point Counts
- Stream Surveys
- Drift Fence Surveys for amphibians, reptiles, and/or small mammals
- Small Mammal/Herpetofauna Trapping
- Data Analysis
Listen to a red-shouldered hawk
Listen to a red-bellied woodpecker
Listen to a barred owl