Land Management Services
MTM’s staff has experience with a diversity of habitats, landowner types, and a variety of land management goals. The goals for some properties are strictly for conservation and preservation purposes, while others are intensively managed for production (agriculture, timber, wildlife, etc.), and everything in between. We are able to create detailed plans which provide current conditions and practical management options to accomplish clients’ goals. Our staff performs land management services that include:
- Community Garden/Park Planning
- Early Successional/Pollinator Habitat Management
- Forest Health Assessments and Risk Evaluations
- Forest Management Planning
- Development of Urban Forestry Plans
- Timber Inventory
- Tree Appraisals
- Tree Pruning Guidance
- Greenbelt/Current Use Land Management Plans
- Invasive Species Assessment and Management
- Landscape Scale Planning
- Restoration Planning
- Wildlife Habitat Improvement